In Hawaii due to our isolation, we encourage all families to be prepared for 5-7 days instead of 72 hours. The following information is provided to serve as resources in Hawaii that can contribute to your preparedness.
Resources in other languages can be accessed through here.
For up-to-date disaster preparedness information for Businesses and Schools, please visit School curriculum and coloring books are available free from our National website.
Family Disaster Planning
√ Evacuation Plan
√ Disaster Kits
√ Family Communications Plan
√ Hurricane Evacuation Shelters
√ Hawaii Home Owner’s Guide to Preparedness
√ Helping Children Cope with Disaster
Special Health Needs
√ Preparing for people with Special Health Needs
√ SeniorsPlanning for Pets
√ Humane Society Brochure
√ Hurricane Evacuation Pet Shelters